Decoding a decade
A decade ago I was 29, had been programming for 9 years, been working professionally for 3 years, thought I was reasonably good at programming, as of yet unmarried and was one year away from meeting my wife. No kids, few obligations, working away on side projects til the wee hours and still played the occasional game. In ten years, what have I learnt?
On programming
Entering this decade I was still thinking about programming in terms of movements. Turn this knob here, twist this valve here, put this block here and fit it on top of this other block and voilà, a functioning program.
I have since moved more and more towards viewing a program as a flow of information. We still have the building blocks underneath, and as you scale they start to shift (quite dramatically); but it is still about data in, data out, and how it flows through your program/system.
Big truisms
State is now my enemy, instead of my friend. Unless there are very good reasons for mutating state (such as speed), I prefer immutable data and functional programming as the default style. Pretty much every bug I’ve ever encountered could be contributed to state mismatch in the program/system. Making everything immutable as default severly limits the surface area where this problem can arise. OOP is still what I reach for when I want to encapsulate state. Functional Core, Imperative Shell is a nice pattern to adopt for example.
Static vs dynamic typing is an interesting debate, and I’m not sure it’ll ever be resolved. I do however feel that it’s combinations that are more interesting to talk about. FP + immutability as default + dynamic typing works quite nicely together. FP and immutability (FPi) delievers on the promise that Java and OOP was supposed to deliever on: Code reusage. It’s almost criminally easy to write libraries that can be treated as black boxes from both sides of the fence. As long as the library doesn’t do any state, but is completely pure the following holds true: The program doesn’t need to care about the inner workings of the library, and the library doesn’t need to care about the overall state of the program consuming it. The moment state touches the library it no longer holds true.
Mutability everywhere causes lots of problems as any reference can now change any other part of the program. Static typing does give a lot of value here as it gives you some assurance that you haven’t messed up in your thinking. Mutability is also very difficult to contain as it contaminates anything it touches with complexity, and is in my opinion the primary reason for the massive code bases in the first place. It’s simply easier and cheaper to have a big massive monolith if mutability is the default mode of operation in your programming langauge of choice.
Funnily enough the last craze of the industry with microservices seems to be a weird mixture of FP and OOP. Since everything needs to be send over the wire between the microservices it’s sent as values, and thus immutability is enforced at the edges of the microservices. State is now distributed between the servers though with each server sort of acting like an object. Inconsistencies in state are now also easer to arrive at than it was with OOP and monoliths.
Pin point what matters
When I first started coding I was told what to code. Then I learnt fairly early on that it is good practice to think before you started coding. After a while I started to do smaller designs after having thought a bit about the problem. Eventually I started to incorporate talking with the customer about the problem to understand it. In one of Rich Hickey’s talks he talked about the cost of mistakes, starting with mistakes like typos, advancing to problems in the programming language/framework and finally ending up with the complexity of the real world problem you’re trying to understand and the cost of you misunderstanding it. Each step up in the pyramid increased the cost of the mistake by one factor. Looking back at my path towards mastery of programming I see a progression from the smallest stage where I spent a lot of time worrying about typos and minor mistakes that are quite cheap to fix, to grappling with why programming was so hard when I had this nagging feeling that it shouldn’t be THAT hard, and now where most of my focus is on trying to understand the domain of the customer and the problem they’re trying to solve.
Churn kills
I’ve come to value stability, a lot. When everything was still new it was exciting to learn new tech, now I just want to get on with solving the business needs of clients. Churn is one of the worst things you can encounter in an eco system and/or language and leads to burnout. It requires tremendous amounts of effort to make people put up with churn. Javascript is probably the best example of this. Backed by multiple international companies, it’s the langage of the web and has a reasonably mallable core and still people complain about the churn. Rightly so.
Small truisms
Short feedback loops trump almost any other technique/feature in programming
Thinking is important. You can save a lot of time by thinking through a problem at first
Understanding the problem is having solved half the problem
Trends come and go, try and find something with first principles instead
There are people out there that are seriously good at programming, it pays off to study their work
Documentation is great, if only more people were willing to practice it
If you wish to stretch yourself, do an eternity project
No matter how much of a die hard you are, encouragement is always welcome
On married life
Married life is good. I highly recommend asking these 50 questions before committing. It will save you a lot of grief.
On children
Children are a blessing, and a lot of work. They change you, forever and for the better.
On politics
Following the principle of first principles I believe I have landed at socially conservative. Social here means that I think a society ought to care for its weak. How that is done can vary a great deal, and each society will need to find what works for them. Conservative here does not mean right, but to preserve that which is good. This stems from the truism that it’s difficult to build something of value, while it’s much easier to tear it down. Something that might have taken generations, even hundred of years, can be demolished in a fraction of the time it took to get there.
Secondly I’ve come to realise that I wish for wisdom in leaders above all else. Here I go with the biblical definitation of wisdom which is the right decision, at the right time, leading in the right direction. What a blessing it would be to have leaders like that.
On faith
My faith has grown stronger over this decade. Being fairly confident in my Christian faith going into the decade, I leave the decade stronger in my faith and mystified why God bothers at all. Agape is indeed the love that transcends understanding.
The anglo-saxan world is here a gem, full of great thinkers regarding the big issues of life, both past and present. Moving onto English as my primary reading language was one of the best moves I ever made in regards to access of knowledge.
On leadership
These days it’s less programming, and more leading younger programmers. Programs are simple, while human beings are barely held together emotions walking on two legs ready to explode because you blinked wrong. Still, it’s very rewarding seeing that light shine up in someone’s eyes that you’ve been tutoring.
Next decade
So what do I wish to do for the next decade? Find the time to finish at least one of my projects. Become better still at my craft. Continue to be a husband and father. Make that game that I’ve wished to do for almost two decades now.